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What is the birthstone in August? These 3 gems represent the month.

Calling all Leos and Virgos born in August, your month has arrived. Getting a gift for someone’s birthday isn’t always a simple task, but things could be easier if you know their month’s symbols.
Beyond flowers and Zodiac signs, each month also has at least one gemstone. For instance, May has the emerald, while July has the ruby. Other months, like June, have several jewel options.
But what about August’s birthstone? Here’s a guide to the summer month’s stones:
Peridot, spinel and sardonyx are August’s three birthstones.
Peridot is a yellow-green stone that comes from the mineral olivine.
Some believe its name derives from the Arabic “faridat,” or “gem,” according to Geological Institute of America. Others, however, believe peridot gets its name from the Greek word “peridona,” meaning “giving plenty,” the American Gem Society reports. The latter namesake is fitting since the gemstone is often associated with prosperity and good fortune.
Peridot has been mistaken for other stones − such as topaz and emerald − in the past, the Geological Institute of America reports. Some historians believe Cleopatra’s emerald collection was actually peridot.
The oldest-recorded source of peridot is the Egyptian island of Zabargad, according to the Geological Institute of America. Other mining sites include China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Tanzania, Vietnam and the United States.  
Peridot is often given as gifts for the sixteenth wedding anniversaries.
Spinel comes in a variety of colors, such as red, pink, orange, purple, blue and green. Due to this range, spinel has been confused with other gems. Some well-known rubies have turned out to be red spinel, including the “Black Prince’s Ruby” from the Imperial State Crown. 
The stone’s name comes from the Latin “spina,” meaning “thorn,” according to the Geological Institute of America. This references the shape of spinel crystals. 
Spinel can be found in many countries including Tajikistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Tanzania and Pakistan, the Geological Institute of America reports.
The symbolism of spinel depends on its color. For instance, red spinel is associated with passion and devotion. Others believed red spinel could stop anger and bring harmony. It was also thought red spinel could help remedy all types of blood loss and inflammatory diseases, the Geological Institute of America reports.
Spinel is often given as a gift for a 22nd wedding anniversary.
Sardonyx is a combination of the minerals sard and onyx, which together form the reddish-brown or orange stone with bands of white or black.
The gem’s name is also a mix. “Sard” references the ancient city “Sardis,” according to the American Gem Society. While “onyx” derives from the Greek “onux,” meaning “fingernail,” the American Gem Trade Association reports.
Sardonyx was often used in Roman seals and signet rings during ancient times, according to the Geological Institute of America. During battle, Roman soldiers would wear sardonyx rings with Mars (the god of war) for protection.
India, Brazil, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Madagascar, Uruguay and the U.S. are producers of sardonyx, the American Gem Society reports. 
This birthstone is associated with courage and happiness and was believed to help strengthen marriage and partnerships, according to the Geological Institute of America. 
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